Saturday, October 31, 2009

Getting paid to cop rude people

So i've been having a few interesting experiences with customer service lately. Namely, me being on the receiving end of customers' reactions to a service.

Now, i quite clearly understand the whole 'the customer is always right' bizzo but is that really any reason to treat staff like shite? I had such an experience tonight where people found themselves under the impression that just because you're wearing a uniform means they can be as rude as they like and you have to stand there and take it.

'why would i want a glass of water, just because everyone else on my table is having one?'

'i don't care that everyone else is hot, turn down the air conditioner. And by the way, i want 7 of this dish for the price of 1, and i want 5 separate orders from 1 table, and turn down the air conditioner!'

And so on.

It may seem like whingeing, and by all accounts it is, but anyone who works on hospitality, even casually like myself, must cherish those customers that are happy for you to serve them and even happier - and goddam grateful - that the establishment offers table service in the first place.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Buy this t-shirt


What better way to kick off this blog than by posting a picture of the next t-shirt i am going to buy.
Check it out at