Monday, March 1, 2010

Cos I think I do interesting things

"Can't sleep, clown will eat me"

So I bought this notebook to write stuff in.
Two purposes:
1. Perhaps the more narcissistic option - allowing me to pool info to put on this blog on an attempted semi regular basis.
Easier when I get a laptop.
2. Also narcissistic, but in a therapeutic sense - giving me an out for some of the thoughts that are constantly running through my head. At all hours.
This sounds stupid, but sometimes at night my thoughts create pictures in my head and begin to expand an an increasingly fast rate until they get so big my eyes can't stay closed.
Yeah that statement does look stupid. But why do we do these things?
I'm not sure what makes blogging and social networking so popular. Is it the need for attention - or self absorption and a delusional belief that our day-to-day activities are somehow vitally interesting to a wider audience? I came up with different theories, and will use Facebook as an example.
I think Facebook people can be divided into a few species. Another list following --->
1. Attention seekers. These come in a few sub-species: permanently depressed, characterised by a typical "woe is me" attitude that infects one's News Feed on an hourly basis; and the pure attention seekers, ones whose status updates have to document how crazy and zany we are, we're so spontaneous, let's write something everyone will comment on! (Also known as The Highly Annoying).
2. Facebook Hermits - lucky to hear from them once in a blue moon, FB Hermits join for some god known reason then you never sight them again. Waste of data and scripting really.
3. Facebook Randoms - or "common people" - I believe I fall into this category. I check in regularly, as I am also on Twitter this also automatically updates my status, I comment, post and have as many self portrait poser shots as the next user.
All that being said, I can still not articulate why I choose to social network. Keep in touch? Maybe. Serve my own sense of self-worth? Perhaps. Maybe I'll look into it some more. Maybe I'll forget about it and continue along my merry way, blogging, tweeting, and FBing over everyone and everything.
Yeah, that sounds like me.