Sunday, December 27, 2009


Soon to be the ol' backyard

The past week has proven to be a crucial turning point in my life, and that of my boyfriend -- a crossroads of sort, the overspilling of months of speculation, wishful thinking and wondering, should we do it?

I've mulled over whether or not I should share this information via my social networks (read: Twitter, Facebook) if only simply due to the fact that if I post something remotely similar to this, people will assume there's either a wedding or baby on the horizon -- neither is true.

No, we've come to the realisation -- and consequent decision -- that this town has given us all it can, and it's our turn to move on.

A break for the coast, Ocean Grove -- closer to my family, time to act now for fear of waiting and wondering if we should have done it when we had the chance.

The events behind this decision I won't bother to divulge here, but I think this decision has been a long time coming, just waiting for the right catalyst to spark the chain reaction that's put us on this path.

My feelings about it? To be completely honest, they fluctuate between excited, unsure, nervous and downright shit scared -- but also optimistic and hopeful of good things to come.

We have a timeline, and I've got the parentals on the job of sussing out a rental for us down there, and we've already started culling our excess belongings (Salvos are loving us at the moment!) to make it easier to move the three of us (girl, boy and dog) 600 kilometres away.

Christ, seeing it written there just makes it more real. Cheers to that.

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