Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I blog, therefore I am.

Yes, it has been a while since I last posted. I tend to do that, get fixated on something, everything's going great guns and I come across situations where I think "yeah, that would be great to blog about" but alas, nothing comes to fruition.

I've just spent some time checking out some of my favorite blog-type sites and thought I'd share them with you (in no particular order):


An interesting, touching and sometimes funny blog, by one-time Aussie Cleo editor and author Mia Freedman. You may have seen her columns floating around in newspapers.

In a nutshell, Mia blogs about anything that takes her fancy from fashion to motherhood and everything in between, and has a vast legion of followers who hang off her every word.

I think it's her brutal honesty in throwing opinions out there on topics that mean something to her that keep me coming back to this site. Certainly worth a look.

The Punch

Touted as "Australia's Best Conversation" this blog-type site basically hosts a bunch of journalists, personalities and politicians and lets the public take aim at opinion pieces posted by them on most things, including politics, current events and various puff pieces.

As well as seeing different opinions on certain topics, I think one of the most interesting parts of the site is actually the comments by viewers. Some take the low road, some take the high-brow I've-been-to-university-and-have-eight-degrees-and-you-don't-know-what-you-are-talking-about route.

I enjoy the fact that by putting their names to these opinion pieces, they are laying everything out bare for the Australian (and sometimes international) public to pick apart.

Ask Bossy

Kate de Brito is's own agony aunt, and I have to say while some of the questions submitted by posters (or OPs, as they're known on this blog) are quite serious, sometimes disturbing and at times heartbreaking, some, particularly on Friday's (affectionately known as Fruitcake Friday) can be downright hilarious.

Kate's terms of endearments for some of the parties named in blogs, (for example, an idiot is often called an asshat) makes for great reading. Her advice is blunt and to the point, and the hoard of commenters that make a ritual of replying to every post also offer up their two cents worth.

In all, not a bad way to spend a half an hour or so over morning coffee.

The Sartorialist

I only stumbled across this blog last week, but it has been going since 2005 apparently.

To quote his own spiel: "I started The Sartorialist simply to share photos of people that I saw on the streets of New York that I thought looked great." That has now spread to all over the world; my interest in this blog was piqued when he started profiling people in Sydney and Melbourne.

I like his pictures, they're simple yet effective, and while I'm not exactly a fashionista, I can appreciate the clothes they are wearing. Dunno. He's listed as one of Time Magazine's Top 100 Style Influencers, so I guess that means something.

If I find any other tidbits I'll keep the sphere updated.

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