Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sea views with a side of sand, garnish with freedom

Sums up the coast right now.

It's winter, well and truly and it's hit the Bellarine.

It's not wanting to get out of bed in the mornings, because you've got the bed just how you want it, it's walking on the beach and the wind that bites at your face and fills your nose with salt and sand, with seaweed and birds.

And ocean - so much ocean - it stretches forever, the ships come through the heads and the birds glide on nothing.

Here at night you can hear the sea from our house, it really is like putting a shell to your ear.

The consensus on this place? Freedom.

It's relaxing, it strolls the streets and walks its dogs on the beach.

It doesn't care what it wears (read: uggies and trackies are completing acceptable in a cafe), it drinks coffee and admires the view and wonders what the "poor" people are doing.

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