Monday, July 26, 2010

I don't miss this.

That was the thought I had last weekend when I went back to Mildura.

I had to tie up some loose ends, get Diesel, take the majority of his stuff back, catch up with mates, spend some jewellery vouchers.

The end result - I don't regret any of my decisions. I saw him on the Saturday, and there was obviously shit going on - and I took one look at him and thought I don't miss this. I wasn't sure what I would feel, maybe seeing him that way helped. I dunno. He had a cut above his eye, and I asked him what had happened.

"Don't ask," was the reply.

In a past life, I would have pushed, stressed, worried, speculated about what he could have done. Now, I don't. I dont' not care, but the emotions that would have dragged me down into situation just aren't there anymore.

It's kind of liberating, being able to walk away and not feel like I should be responsible or accountable for his actions. It really pushes home my need to concentrate on me and the what hell I'm doing with things. I'm sorting it out slowly, taking my sweet time, got a second job to score some extra cash, chilling out on weekends.

No tenterhooks to be on, no pressure, just me.

(PS: And Diesel).

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