Saturday, July 31, 2010

Inspire me, blogosphere!

I'm done with it for now. The feeling sorry for myself stuff. Moving on time now. Really.

This one's about inspiration - and goal setting. It's gotten off to a meh-kinda start, this shindig, but my mind is clear. I want to achieve something with this forum. Maybe actually let it get to a stage where it could warrant being called a forum. Though that would mean mutual contributions, and by that I mean people actually reading this thing (ha!)

But really. I want inspiration, maybe that's what this thing could become, a means to satisfy and show the things in my head that appeal to me, whether it's visual (read: expect more photos) and something I've read (snippets, links and blatant copyright breaches packaged in an ol' cut and paste job).

Yeah. I like it. I was walking back to my car recently with my personal trainer (that's a different story) and she mentioned how crazy the moon looked at the moment (it's full) but it had these streaky clouds running across and it looked like something out of a move. She says "perfect werewolf weather" and I thought yeah, it is - maybe now's the time when they come out, I wondered if we snuck down the beach would they be surfing? Werewolves on surfboards, that'd be cool.

Hmmm. Maybe that's the new movie - An American Werewolf in Hawaii. Cos Ocean Grove just doesn't roll off the tongue as well.

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