Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Peep inside my (current) playlist

I have a varied taste in music. One look at my iPod has things from lounge, indie, to metal, and electronica. I go through phases with "fadding" on bands. I won't have heard something of theirs for ages then I hear it and fall in love with it all over again. Peep inside my playlist, this is what's rockin my socks at the moment.

As is the case with most things, in no particular order:

The Whitlams

I was at my step-brother and his girlfriend's place in Forrest the other week (funnily enough, that place is in the forest) and The Whitlams were playing on the computer. I hadn't heard their stuff in years (see above intro) and I just had this massive flashback of memories of them. It was all Triple J, Perry Sandhills and political/teen angst all rolled into one.

This song below in particular has always been a favourite, their songs were always so personal, singing about someone with a gambling addiction might not seem deep but it was honest.

Angus and Julia Stone

Another Australian act, this duo blows my mind with its simple lyrics - it's really pretty music, the fact that they are brother and sister makes it easier as then I have no problem wanting to marry Angus :) The first song I heard of theirs was actually Paper Aeroplane, but this song below is my current favourite. Love love love it.


Yep, definitely flying the Aussie flag here. Sia is awesome, she's been around for ages but her songs are again fun, beautiful, and she's a pretty cool person - doing things her own way that appeals to me. I'm putting two songs down for her, this first one is my feel good track at the moment, while the second is the last song I listen to before going to bed.

The clip for this is amazing too:

John Butler Trio

This is one of the few songs of his I like, I can appreciate he is a self-made act (they produce all their own music) another Triple J alumni. Also a good clip.

Basement Birds

Definitely an Aus-centric post. These guys are like one of those "supergroups" a mecca of great Australian music. From www.basementbirds.com.au : "They can't decide if they're more like The Travelling Wilburys, The Highwaymen or The Three Tenors, but one thing is sure - they're none of those. They're Basement Birds, a unique teaming of four of Australia's premier singer/songwriters within the one group. Think Kevin Mitchell (Jebediah), Josh Pyke, Kav Temperley (Eskimo Joe) and Steve Parkin. Brilliance. I describe their music as the sunny afternoon with a book kind.

The Presets

Hah, that threw you! This group is AWESOME. Electronica, their twitter says "tearing dance music a new asshole" and by golly is it. They're a duo of classically trained musicians who met at the conservatorium and said screw classical, let's do this shit. This track is one of my favourite of favourites, and always ends up being my ringtone on my phone.
Art vs Science
Another awesome group, in the middle of recording an album, get your hands on Flippers and Parlez Vous Francais? But this one, their latest offering is nothing short of fan-fucken-tastic. Makes me want a magic fountain.

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