Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last night I had a conversation with someone - I'm not sure if it was interesting, or revealing, or shocking - I don't even know if I could talk to anyone about it in person. I'm not sure how I feel about it - but it was bizarre.

It was with one of the performers on the Blues Train - we were at this house in Point Lonsdale, maybe it was the alcohol or the pot talking - in her spare time she's a psychic. This in itself I am undecided upon, I am a psychology student in my spare time and beliefs in pseudo-psychology like that sits oddly with me, though I don't think I can deny the existence of an awareness of the other in some people.

Anyway. We were talking about connections, she'd seen one between two people we were hanging out with that night and she got to talking about me. She told me that I was a good person, she could see it in my eyes, my smile and my heart.

At this point, I have to admit that I entered the "smile and nod" phase. It was late, I was tired, and to be frank, what she was saying was making me feel uncomfortable. I don't know why, I don't like compliments maybe? It makes me feel awkward.

Then she says that she sees that I am like "a dog with a bone". I worry at things, there are things that I have carried for years, things that people seem to think I can brush off, but I haven't done so. She says to me "you don't have to worry about it anymore".

Oh God. I have this realisation. It's true, the shit, the childhood, the failed relationship, this year - she gets it. Is  it that obvious? Is it one of those things they talk about in pseudo-psychology that generic statements ring true with a certain percentage of people, like horoscopes?

I don't know. It's been bugging me. Do I take it seriously, or do I write it off? What am I even supposed to do with that sort of information?

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