Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Things about me

In no particular order:

1. I worked it out the other day, I have just over a year left to go on my uni degree - I call it my hobby - it will have taken me 7 years in total. It's a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology Major). I want to become a forensic psychologist.

2. If you don't know what a forensic psychologist is, or think it's got something to do with CSI, google it.

3. I google nearly everything. That or Wikipedia.

4. I'm 27 years old, but I've been told a lot lately I look like I'm 21. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

5. Up until a few months ago I had a boyfriend. We broke up but are still friends, today would have been our 7 year anniversary. I regret none of the time we had together, even the bad bits but don't think I could ever tell him that.

6. I used to be a journalist, then I worked in local government, now I work with homeless people.

7. I want to travel more - I went to Italy for 3 weeks when I was 17.

8. I made a promise to myself I wouldn't have kids before I was 30.

9. My taste in music is pretty varied, you can't pigeon-hole me.

10. I love to read, I went off books for a while and was listening to audiobooks, now I'm back into paper. There's something satisfying about having a bookshelf full of books.

11. Sometimes ads on TV make me cry.

12. I can be incredibly sarcastic, rude, and say inappropriate things - almost never intentionally. I like to think I'm just intolerant of bullshit.

13. I take after my dad a lot. We've been through a lot of shit with his first wife (my birth mother) and that taught us to stick together, now he's married again with two step-kids and are lucky to have gotten the family we were supposed to have the second time round.

14. I have a sister, she's 21 this year and has two kids under 5. I haven't spoken to her in a while.

15. I don't drink beer, I had a bad experience with mixing beer after a lot of wine, it involved me passing out in my own vomit under a table for 4 hours. So me and beer are bad friends.

16. I have eczema, people look at it like it's a contagious deadly disease but really, it's not. Google it.

17. I have awesome friends, a lot I don't see often now but the fact we can pick up after however long like it was only 5 minutes makes them true friends I reckon.

18. I love where I live, I used to live in the desert near a river, now I'm 3 streets back from the ocean. My step-brother lives in the forest and works in a lighthouse on the edge of Australia. The contrasts in this country will never cease to amaze me.

19. I love scary rides and rollercoasters, but one day I went up to the top of my step-brother's lighthouse (not his literally, his work) and the wind was blowing a gale, I swear I felt like I was going to get blown off and into the ocean. That was not cool.

20. I have a dog. He's a staffordshire bull terrier, his name is Diesel and he is my life. I'm undecided on kids, Diesel is my baby substitute.

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